Assembly Topics Research

Mixed Model Line Balancing with Parallel Stations, Zoning Constraints, and Ergonomics

Alghazi, A. and Kurz, M.E., January 2018, “Mixed Model Line Balancing with Parallel Stations, Zoning Constraints, and Ergonomics,” Constraints. Vol. 23, No 1, 123-153.

Mixed Model Sequencing with Swimming across Station Boundaries

Alghazi, Anas, M. Kurz (presenter), “Mixed Model Sequencing with Swimming across Station Boundaries”, 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC2017), Pittsburgh PA, May 20-May 23, 2017.

Configuration and options management processes and tools: an automotive OEM case study

Keith T. Phelan, Joshua David Summers, Mary E. Kurz, Crystal Wilson, Bryan Wayne Pearce, Joerg Schulte, Stephan Knackstedt, ((spring) 2017) “Configuration and options management processes and tools: an automotive OEM case study”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 28 Issue: 2, pp.146-168.

Sequencing in Mixed Model Assembly Lines

Alghazi, Anas, M. Kurz (presenter), “Sequencing in Mixed Model Assembly Lines”, 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, November 13 – November 16, 2016.

A Realistic Mixed-model ALBP with Parallel Workstations, Zoning, and Ergonomic Constraints

Alghazi, Anas, M. Kurz (presenter), “A Realistic Mixed-model ALBP with Parallel Workstations, Zoning, and Ergonomic Constraints”, 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC2016), Anaheim CA, May 21-May 24, 2016.

Configuration Management Through Satisfiability

Bryan Pearce, Mary E. Kurz, Keith Phelan, Joshua Summers, Jorg Schulte, Wolfgang Dieminger, Kilian Funk, “Configuration Management Through Satisfiability”, Procedia CIRP, Volume 44, 2016, Pages 204-209, ISSN 2212-8271. ( in Conf Proc

Supporting Vehicle Option Change Management through a Graph Based Visualization Tool

Phelan, K., Pearce, B., Summers, J., Kurz, M., 2016, “Supporting Vehicle Option Change Management through a Graph Based Visualization Tool”, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol 17, No 1, 011004-011004-15.

Graph Visualization Styles for Use in Configuration Management: A User Study

Phelan, K., Wilson, C., Summers, J., Kurz, M., (2015), “Graph Visualization Styles for Use in Configuration Management: A User Study”, International Design Engineering Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Boston, MA, Aug. 1-5, DETC2015-46288.

The Balancing and Scheduling of Mixed Model Assembly Lines with Realistic Constraints

Alghazi, Anas (presenter), M. Kurz, “The Balancing and Scheduling of Mixed Model Assembly Lines with Realistic Constraints”, 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC2015), Nashville TN, May 30-June 2, 2015

A Case Study of Configuration Management Methods in a Major Automotive OEM

Phelan, K., Wilson, C., Summers, J., Kurz, M., (2014), “A Case Study of Configuration Management Methods in a Major Automotive OEM”, International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Buffalo, NY, DETC2014-34186.