Flexible Flowline Data Repository Research

Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Flexible Flow Line Scheduling

Amiri, Parastoo, Mary E. Kurz, “Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Flexible Flow Line Scheduling”, In revision for Computers and Industrial Engineering.

A Particle Swarm Optimization for Flexible Flow Line Scheduling to Minimize Makespan

Amiri, Parastoo, M. Kurz (presenter), “A Particle Swarm Optimization for Flexible Flow Line Scheduling to Minimize Makespan”, 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC2015), Nashville TN, May 30-June 2, 2015

Particle Swarm Optimization for Scheduling Flexible Flow Line

Amiri, Parastoo (presenter), M. Kurz, “Particle Swarm Optimization for Scheduling Flexible Flow Line”, INFORMS 2014, San Francisco.

Minimizing Makespan and Number of Tardy Jobs on a Flexible Flowshop with Unrelated Machines

Kurz, M.B., S. Badrinayaranan (presenter), “Minimizing Makespan and Number of Tardy Jobs on a Flexible Flowshop with Unrelated Machines”, INFORMS 2010 Conference, Austin, TX.

Bi-objective Flexible Flowline Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms

Kurz, M.B. (presenter), S. Badrinayaranan, “Bi-objective Flexible Flowline Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms”, Industrial Engineering Research Conference 2010, Cancun, Mexico.

Particle Swarm Optimization for Scheduling Flexible Flowlines

Kurz, M.B. (presenter), V. Sankaran, “Particle Swarm Optimization for Scheduling Flexible Flowlines” Industrial Engineering Research Conference 2009, Miami, FL.

Effectiveness of solution representations using artificial immune algorithms in scheduling flexible flow lines with sequence-dependent setup times

M.E. Kurz (presenter) and T. Rupasinghe. “Effectiveness of solution representations using artificial immune algorithms in scheduling flexible flow lines with sequence-dependent setup times.” Industrial Engineering Research Conference 2008, Vancouver Canada .

Gene Expression for Improved Solution Representation

Kurz, Mary E., Srinivas Anandan and Sarah Canterbury. “Gene Expression for Improved Solution Representation.” Industrial Engineering Research Conference Proceedings 2005, Atlanta GA (CD-ROM).

Scheduling flexible flow lines with sequence-dependent setup times

Kurz, Mary E. and Ronald G. Askin. “Scheduling flexible flow lines with sequence-dependent setup times”. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol 159, No. 1, 16 November 2004, 66-82.

Comparing scheduling rules for flexible flow lines

Kurz, Mary E. and Ronald G. Askin. “Comparing scheduling rules for flexible flow lines.” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 85, No. 3, 11 September 2003, 371-388.